
Rules of the Game:

- No form or part of ANY word printed on the card may be given as a clue. Examples: If the Guess word is PAYMENT, “pay” cannot be given as a clue. If DRINK is an "Unspeakable" word, "drunk” cannot be given as a clue. If SPACESHIP is the Guess word, you can’t use ”space” or ”ship” as a clue.

- No gestures may be made. Examples: You can't form your hand in the shape of a gun as a clue for "shoot"; or point to your nose as a clue for ”beak.”

- No sound effects or noises may be made, such as explosions or engine noises. However, feel free to break out into song.

The Ultimate Party Game of UnSpeakAble™ Fun on iPhone
How to Play:
The game needs at least four (4) players to play. Divide all players into two (2) teams sitting in a circle. Each card has a word your team must guess. Next to each clue-giver sits an opponent. Also listed on the card are five clue words that cannot be said. These words are “Unspeakable” If you say them, your team loses points. You must think of other ways to get your team to guess the main word, all while the timer is running.
Swipe up, 
if your team guessed the word to win a point. 
Swipe down, 
if you accidentally used an "Unspeakable" word and lose a point. The opponents next to you are responsible to check that.

Taboo ™ is a registered trademark of Hasbro Inc. This product is in no way affiliated or endorsed by Hasbro and should not be confused with their product, Taboo, Taboo for Kids, Celebrity Taboo, electronic Taboo, Taboo Junior, Taboo for Kids, The Big Taboo, Taboo Body Language, Taboo Quick Draw, or any other similar product.

Tap the head Word and select reference from either Wikipedia, Wiktionary or the built-in Apple Dictionary.

Or choose Google Translate to get a translation of the word in your language! Great for educational purposes.

- You cannot say the Guess word "sounds like" or ”rhymes with” another word.

- No initials or abbreviations can be given if the words they represent are included on the card. Examples: MD cannot be used if MEDICAL or DOCTOR is the Guess word or an "Unspeakable" word. TV cannot be used if TELEVISION is the Guess word or an "Unspeakable" word.

  1. -As the Clue-giver gives clues, his or her teammates shout out possible words trying to say the Guess word. There is no penalty for wrong guesses.

★ Internet MULTIPLAYER up to (4) players with VOICE through GAME CENTER 
★ MULTILINGUAL (9) Languages included 
★ Access to REFERENCE (Wikipedia, GTranslate, Built-in Dictionary). 
★ Amazing CAROUSEL View on Landscape 
★ Ability to ADD your own Cards, and contribute to the community 
★ Gorgeous GRAPHICS. 
★ GAME CENTER Achievements 
★ NO DISTRACTIONS, No Duplicate words each run 

Amazing like Apple iTunes Coverflow scrollable View of the Cards and ability to choose each one.

Create your own Cards:
Maintain a collection of your own cards and contribute them to the community automagically.

Internet Multiplayer with Voice
Up to (4) Players

Note: This game cannot be played solo, you need an opponent to check whether you used the "Unspeakable" words or not.

In the Settings card you can specify the language, turn duration. mini-game and whether a lost card decreases the team points. There is also an option for in-game help.

Lastly, choose to play with the funny sounds option turned on and enjoy unlimited moments of fun!










In the Settings card you can specify the language, turn duration and whether a lost card decreases the team points. There is also an option for in-game help.

Lastly, choose to play with the funny sounds option turned on and enjoy unlimited moments of fun!